Paolo Stella Monfredini, was born in Cremona on August 22nd 1967.
After finishing the High School, he graduated in Economy at the University in Parma, preparing a detailed dissertation on the subject: “Project management: la gestione dei progetti in Agip (“Project management: the management of the plans in Agip”). He followed the economical trade also during his studies at the University and he got through the qualifying examination for the exercise of the profession at the University in Parma.
Then he immediately started his activity as graduate in Economics and Auditor in Cremona and Milan. Dr. Stella’s Study is formed by other professionals and of counsel, it has a seat in Cremona in Via Colletta, 10 and one in Milan in Via Monte di Pietà 21. The Study collaborates and is connected with other Studies – in Italy and abroad – specialised in corporate and fiscal right and in the competition and market field.
He is adviser of important Italian and multinational Societies operating in the publishing, industrial and commercial field, and also for Institutes and Agencies of credit.
During his professional experiences, Dr. Stella reached a wide experience in the fiscal and corporate assistance to many companies; in particular he carries out his own activity assisting companies operating in the industrial, publishing, banking and telecommunication field. He covered assignments in many ministerial and parliamentarians Commissions and in national committee of Consiglio nazionale Dottori Commercialisti e Esperti Contabili and of the Committee Advisory Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Ordini dei Dottori Commercialisti e Esperti Contabili of Piacenza and Cremona
During his years of activity, Dr. Stella’s Study assisted many public and private enterprises, agencies and financial companies and non-commercial agencies in their fiscal aspects and in many important corporate and financial operations, becoming their habitual interlocutor for the management of the ordinary and extraordinary fiscal aspects.
As guardian and judicial commissioner of many examination procedures, he matured a remarkable experience also in this field. He is also accredited by the Ministry of the Industry and the Ministry of Justice as judicial commissioner and extraordinary commissioner of big enterprises which are in crisis.
Dr. Stella is enrolled at the Registry of Auditors and is also a member of the supervisory board of primary industrial societies, agencies and credit institutions. He is also councilman of the Order of the graduated in Economics of Cremona.
He was appointed expert and technical adviser for the civil and penal Judicial Authority of many Courts and Appeals Courts, for the elaboration of expertises and motivated opinions in banking, accounting, fiscal and corporate fields.
He periodically carries out cycles of conferences and several refresher courses on many themes of the social and fiscal right.
Together with his professional activity, Dr. Stella works as publicist for the daily paper “Il Sole 24 Ore” and for several national reviews, and he is author of several publications, monographies and articles on thematic of fiscal, corporate and bankrupt right.